2 Hour Farm Pass - Pollinator Week - Monday June 16th

Pollinator Week - Monday
Date & Time: June 16th - 9 AM – 4 PM
Event Type: Farm Visit
Location: Valley Farm
Fee: $6 per person-(ages 2 and under are free) | Season Pass Holders use discount code at checkout. Pre-registration Required. 

Are you visiting with a group of 10 or more?  Please use our group visit sign-up form to learn more about our group pricing.  

Mark your calendars for Pollinator Week at Pineland Farms! Join us to learn about the essential role pollinators play in our ecosystem while enjoying two hours of fun and educational activities suitable for all ages.  Expand your knowledge while having a great time!

Questions? Contact the Education Department: 207.650.3031 or education@pinelandfarms.org

* = required information

PLEASE NOTE: Regrettably we cannot offer refunds due to the costs of processing. If you have any questions about ticketing or registration please call the education department at 207-650-3031 or email: education@pinelandfarms.org.

Yes, I understand the Pineland Farms Education Program Ticket Policy.

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