2 Hour Farm Pass Monday April 21st - VACATION WEEK

April Vacation Week - Monday

Date & Time:April 21 - 9AM-4PM

Event Type:Farm Visit 

Location: Valley Farm

Ages: All ages 

Fee: $6 per person - 2 years old & under are free

Annual Farm Pass holders use discount code at checkout. 

Pre-registration Required. 

Description: Join us for an April vacation of exploration, fun and learning at Pineland Farms. Engaging and educational self-guided as well as educator-led activities will be offered all week. We look forward to seeing you on the farm! 

Schedules will be available on location on the day of your visit. 

All visitors will have the opportunity to enter a raffle to win a four-pack of tickets to the farm. 

Questions? Contact the Education Department: 207.650.3031 or education@pinelandfarms.org  

Are you visiting with a group of 10 or more?  Please use our group visit sign up form to learn more about group visit availability. 

* = required information

PLEASE NOTE: Regrettably we cannot offer refunds due to the costs of processing. If you have any questions about ticketing or registration please call the education department at 207-650-3031 or email: education@pinelandfarms.org.

Yes, I understand the Pineland Farms Education Program Ticket Policy.

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